Issues of the heart
is an Email newsletter that comes out 2-3 times a week from Pastor
Todd and what the Lord has laid on his heart.
Brothers and
sisters, 12/27
"Temperance". Is it possible during the Christmas
season? Ever since some of our neighborhood caroling this past
Sunday evening, our family has been receiving plate after plate
of goodies. I can't began to describe to you all these fat
calories I have seen loaded on plates. They come in all kinds of
shapes, sizes, and colors. Tuesday night, just when I thought I
had sampled enough from one plate and firmly resolved to eat no
more, another plate came. The doorbell just kept ringing till
almost 10:00 that night. I can see where only the Holy Spirit
can enable one with a sweet tooth to have any sense of
self-control during Christmas. When Peter says, "And beside
this, giving all diligence, add to your faith . . .
temperance", I find the Christmas season to be an excellent
testing ground for this Christian character trait. Don't you
think? I have so enjoyed all the rich feasting that I have had
trouble holding my appetite in check. Pray for me, will you?
That might belly won't become as soft and fluffy as the snow
outside. Bon appetite.
Thinking of heart issues,
Todd |
Brothers and sisters, 12/29
I give my thanks to World magazine for considering Phillip
Johnson, “Daniel of the Year.” I like some of the things he
says, like this: “It’s a great error Christian leaders and
intellectual leaders have made to think the origin of life just
one of those things scientists and professors argue about. The
fundamental question is whether God is real or imaginary. The
entire way of thinking that underlies Darwinian evolution
assumes that God is out of the picture as any kind of a real
entity. It is a very short step from Darwinism in science to the
kind of liberal theology we find in many of our seminaries that
treats the resurrection as a faith event – something that
didn’t happen but was imagined by the disciples – and
assumes that morality is something human beings may change from
time to time as it’s convenient to change it.”
Just the other day, my wife had an interesting discussion about
creation with one of the teachers at my son’s school (Kristie
said she’s getting braver in her old age). With her stance on
creation, my wife is categorized as the “fundamentalist
Christian”. I suppose, this dear teacher couldn’t have
labeled us more clearly, though sometimes we fail to live up to
the title.
God desires to be believed. He wants us to believe Him about
salvation. Please. Believe Him about His creative power. Believe
Him concerning set boundaries regarding life, marriage, and
morality. Believe He is powerfully real. Believe He loves no
matter what the circumstances. Believe in His total conquering
of sin. Believe, trust, and cling to His every Word. Let us be
Christians who in every fundamental aspect of what God says,
believe. I am sure the hosts of heaven gasp in horror when man
does not believe. Unbelief only repudiates all true reality. But
honestly, with my sinful tendencies, I struggle daily as did the
patriarchs of old. “I can believe this but not that, Lord.”
Thankfully, Scripture has given us a prayer. “Lord, I believe;
help thou mine unbelief.”
Thinking of heart issues,
Brothers and sisters, 12/31
As I think of 2004, words from William Henry Ward sober my heart
about any plans or dreams:
For every achievement there is a price.
For every goal there is an opponent.
For every victory there is a problem.
For every triumph there is sacrifice.
Brothers and sisters, God is looking for those among us in this
new year who will simply believe Him. In Romans 4, our spiritual
father, Abraham, provides the case study. And as beloved family,
we follow in his steps (4:12).
Whatever it is that plagues your heart as a hopeless brick wall,
I challenge you today during the holiday to ransack the
Scriptures to understand in depth the promises and character of
our God. Find that anchor among His words directed to you.
It’s there!
And then, I don’t care how ridiculous it might look to others
or how costly it might be, my dear brother or sister, “stagger
not at the promise of God!” Don’t waiver. Don’t be divided
in your mind. Adding some words from D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones, I
want you to rest your heart entirely on “the bare Word of God
and on nothing else whatsoever.” If you start out 2004,
man-centered, you will fall flat on your face. But if your heart
moves into 2004, fixed on the “God, who quickeneth the death,
and calleth those things which be not as though they were”,
you will be strengthened in faith and the year will be filled
with massive amounts of “giving glory to God.” External
circumstances will have no grip. So let’s covenant together.
Right now. A new year awaits us.
Thinking of heart issues,
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